Saturday, December 12, 2009

Surgery Over

Well he is now recovering at home after a long 6 days in the hospital. Surgery went well had a few set backs with his internal organs not being where they were supposed to be, but they fixed that and continued on with the surgery. He has a long road ahead of him but he is a fighter so he will do great. He has very limited activity and his food has to be pureed on the other hand he has went through 3 gallons of icecream lol... Thanks to well wishers and keep following your heart it will lead you in the right direction.


MoonNStarMommy said...

{{{Stacy}}} I hope that he's feeling better!! Nathan just had a surgery too for his hypospadious :( Sorry I haven't been commenting, we've had a lot of surgeries in the family and just didn't have time, but I'm back now.

Stacy said...

He is finally feeling better thanks it was a long 6 weeks. Hope NAthan is doing good.

Chloe Fletcher said...

I have Russell Silver Syndrome too. I have many of the same symptoms as your son.