Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chuckie Cheese

Nothing like a little fun after a trip to the dentists office. All the kids had to go to the dentists office so we decided to let them have a little fun after wards and went to Chuckie Cheese for a little fun. Unfortunately Matthew left with a black and blue eye.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today will be a short blog, I just want to tell all the families out there that if you are in the Iowa region I am going to be trying to get together a walk for the Magic Foundation. So if you would like to donate money, time, anything, or if you would like to attend please contact me, or leave a comment. I am also going to be doing some fundraising to try to get money to join there wonderful foundation and be able to go to the convention they have, and to get money through fundraising for their cause also.
I also want to tell everyone who has a child that is sick and doctors still don't have an answer, Don't give up! There are answers out there you just have to find them so please keep looking the answers are out there. If you need someone to talk to I am here and will listen.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Living with RSS and growth disorders

Since the day my son was born he was so small, he weighed 5lbs, and was supposed to be a 10 or 11 pound baby, so we were a little surprised to see such a small baby but we didn't think anything about it. From the first day he did not eat well was vomiting with every feeding so they changed his formula to a soy and after 4 days we went home.
We were home for 5 days when I took him in because he was still vomiting sometimes violently, so he was hospitalized and was diagnosed with Reflux, so he was started on meds and his formula was changed again to Enfamil AR. Still not eating well and months later to little to no growth we were sent to a GI doctor and he increased his dose of medicine and had me add cereal to his formula.
He was put in the hospital several times, and finally when he was 3 months old they found out that his Thyroid wasn't working properly, so we went to yet another specialist, she put him on thyroid medicine and we go for checks for that every 3 months.
My son also had multiple ear infections, episodes of violent vomiting, tubes placed, adenoids removed, tonsillectomy, numerous sinus infections, C-Diff from frequent use of antibiotics, Rotto virus, always the said failure to thrive, my question was always why?
My son has many specialists and will soon be 3 years old and we recently received a name for the vomiting, called Cyclic vomiting, so that was good news, we are also waiting for the final reports on whether or not he has RSS. The genetics Doctor was telling me about how he has a triangular shaped face and some of the things he has been dealing with for almost 3 years now are signs of RSS, so we are hoping to know soon, and if that isn't it we will continue to look for answers for my son.
So in short I hope to help others out there who are faced with questions and I hope to get advice from others who have already dealt with growth problems in them selves or there children or loved ones so please fell free any help is greatly appreciated.